I’m quite sure all of you have heard of PLDT myDSL’s viral video saga. I have to admit, I was really fascinated by it. It’s not like any other commercials; it has a wonderful storyline that keeps us craving for more.
Derek is such a charming and sweet guy yearning for the love and attention of his biggest crush, Anna Banana. Now, Derek was finally noticed by Anna! But, sad to say, she rejected him. Worst, she did it through a YouTube video. Watch it here:
Oh, poor Derek. He doesn’t deserve that, does he? I feel for him. Each one of us has experienced rejection in all kind of forms. Let’s admit, it was and it will never be easy to endure that. It leaves us in distress. Derek is still young and I can’t imagine the pain he’s going through after seeing that video from Anna. Good thing his family is there to support him and never left his side. Wish I could do something to heal his broken heart. Wait, I think I could..
YES! I can help Derek find his new Anna! And I’m pretty sure I know who Derek’s new Anna should be…
No other than the sweet and stunning Julia Barretto! She fits perfectly for the role of Anna! Julia is such a gorgeous and enchanting tween who is really delightful to watch! Derek will definitely fall in love not just with her charismatic looks, but also with her kind heart. And certainly, Julia will never break Derek’s heart again. :)
How about you? Do you want to be Derek’s new Anna? Go to www.dereksnewanna.com now! All you have to do is submit a video entry on why you should be Derek's new Anna! If you win, you'll be part of the next PLDT myDSL commercial and also take home a Samsung Ultrabook. Derek will have his new Anna, you'll get all these perks. Win-win! JOIN NOW GIRLS!
Julia is so pretty!!!!!!